Digital Nomad Tax

European Health Insurance Card for Digital Nomads

The European Health Insurance Card for digital nomads is a topic that is mostly disregarded.

However, I would say you should have a good understanding of what the European Health Insurance Card is and what benefits you get from it.

What is the European Health Insurance Card?

The European Health Insurance Card is proof that you benefit from health care cover within Europe.

Consequently, it entitles you to receive medical care based on having this card.

However, the EHIC does not grant you a blank check to just receive any medical care.

You will receive medical care that is necessary given your situation. What this exactly means and how this is interpreted depends on your situation and from differs country to country.

I also need to mention that the European Health Insurance Card for digital nomads is not a substitute for a travel insurance.

Therefore, the EHIC doesn’t cover any repatriation or private healthcare.

Furthermore, you won’t necessarily benefit from free healthcare. You can just benefit from the local healthcare system like locals.

How do I obtain a European Health Insurance Card for digital nomads?

If you are a resident in a member state of the European Union or Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom you can apply for a European Health Insurance card if you pay social contributions there.

Mostly, you receive the card automatically. If not, you can contact the local health insurance institution to request your card.

Where can I find more information?

You can find more information about the European Health Insurance Card on the website of the European Commission.

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