Digital Nomad Tax

Tax Review for Digital Nomads

Tax Review for Digital Nomads


The first step in guiding you to a compliant and efficient tax set-up is a tax review for digital nomads in order to evaluate your current situation. It will be important to understand how you organize your personal life and your business affairs as these will impact your tax status.

Some questions that are important in this respect are:

  • Which nationality do you have?
  • Do you work as an employee, self-employed individual or via your own legal entity/business?
  • Do you have a fixed base in any country?
  • How much time do you spend in a country when travelling there?
  • Do you own real estate in your personal name?


Based upon the tax review for digital nomads, I will be able to assess your current tax situation and establish whether or not it is necessary to take further action. That’s where the tax strategy for digital nomads comes in place. 


For an assessment of your current tax situation I charge €150,00 (including taxes). This includes my preparations and a videocall with me personally of 60 minutes where we discuss my findings and any possibilities for optimizations. 
