Digital Nomad Tax

Countries Offering Digital Nomad Visas: Worldwide List

In recent years, the amount of countries offering digital nomad visas had increased significantly. This is no surprise. Since Covid more and more people discovered the benefits of working remote as a digital nomad.

I am a tax advisor for digital nomads. Hence, my focus area is assisting digital nomads with their tax setup. However, often I also get questions regarding visas and more specifically digital nomad visas.

A Useful Intro on Digital Nomad Visas

Digital nomad visas offer people who work remotely to stay and work legally in a country. Many nomads just stay in countries on tourist visas.

However, these are only valid for a limited time frame, mostly around 90 days. Furthermore, it’s not always clear if you are allowed to work remotely if you are on a tourist visa.

Countries offering digital nomad visas try to solve these issues.

In order to obtain a digital nomad visa, you will need to meet certain conditions.

Mostly, you’ll need to prove you work remotely and have a certain income level. Furthermore, you often have to provide a copy of your criminal record and have a valid health insurance. However, the exact conditions differ from country to country. Therefore, you always need to check the requirements thoroughly before applying.

What to Consider in Digital Nomad Visa Programs of any Country

The first thing you need to consider are of course the requirements you need to meet to obtain the digital nomad visa. If you don’t meet the conditions, it doesn’t make sense to apply.

Second, you might want to have a look at the duration of the digital nomad visa and whether or not you can renew it after the expiration.

This is mainly important if you see it as an alternative to a residency permit when planning to have a home base somewhere.

Finally, and maybe the most important thing to take into account when looking at countries offering digital nomad visas, is to understand the tax consequences.

Some countries offer specific tax exemptions for nomads. Other countries do the same but only if you keep paying taxes in your home country. While in other countries you might just be subject to the general tax provisions. Understanding this is key and you probably want to make sure you do this before applying.

For each of the different countries, we’ll have a look at different elements that you need to be aware of:

  • Income requirement: what is the minimum income level to apply for the digital nomad visa
  • Duration: for how long is the visa valid
  • Renewable: can you renew or reapply for the visa after expiration
  • Visa cost: what fees do you need to pay to obtain the digital nomad visa
  • Tax treatment: will you become liable to taxes when staying in the country on a digital nomad visa
  • Average internet speed: how good is the internet. This will always be an average and will depend on your exact location

Furthermore, we divided the countries offering digital nomad visas per continent.

Countries Offering Digital Nomad Visas in Africa

countries offering digital nomad visas in africa

Cabo Verde

  • Income requirement: there is no income requirement as such but you need to proof an average bank balance of at least €1.500 for the six months before applying
  • Duration: six months
  • Renewable: yes, renewable for another six months for a total stay up to one year
  • Visa cost: the actual visa fee is €20 but you also need to pay a fee at the airport of €34
  • Tax treatment: tax free
  • Average internet speed: 24 Mbps; however, very much depending on your actual place. You can use mobile data as a backup.

You can read more about working remote from Cabo Verde on the government website.


  • Income requirement: $1.500 per month
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes
  • Visa cost: free
  • Tax treatment: if you stay longer than 183 days in Mauritius you will become a tax resident and you will have to start paying taxes on the income you bring into the country (if foreign source)
  • Average internet speed: 51 Mbps


  • Income requirement: $2.000 per month
  • Duration: six months
  • Renewable: you can apply again after a waiting period of twelve months since the expiry of your previous digital nomad visa
  • Visa cost: $124
  • Tax treatment: if you only stay six months in Namibia, you shouldn’t become liable to taxes
  • Average internet speed: 23 Mbps

You can find more information on the website of the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board.


  • Income requirement: there is no actual income requirement but you need to show consistent income from a remote job or business
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: the visa as such is not renewable but you have the option to put in a new application
  • Visa cost: €45
  • Tax treatment: tax free
  • Average internet speed: 26 Mbps

South Africa

  • Income requirement: one million South African rand (~€48.000) per year
  • Duration: depending on your situation but generally 12 months
  • Renewable: yes
  • Visa cost: not clear yet
  • Tax treatment: once you stay longer than 183 days you can become liable to taxes in South Africa. However, if your visa is valid for more than six months you need to register with the South African Revenue Service in any case
  • Average internet speed: 36 Mbps

You can read more about the South African digital nomad visa in this dedicated article.

Countries Offering Digital Nomad Visas in Asia

digital nomad visas Asia


  • Income requirement: no specific income requirement
  • Duration: 30 days, one year or five years. However, you still need to leave the country every 90 days.
  • Renewable: no
  • Visa cost: the exact cost depends on which country you are from and also the duration of the visa. You can find the overview on the official website and apply for the Indian digital nomad visa online.
  • Tax treatment: you will become a tax resident in India if you spend six months or more in the country. However, the exact tax consequences depend on your personal situation.
  • Average internet speed: 61 Mbps


  • Income requirement: $60.000 per year
  • Duration: up to one year
  • Renewable: yes
  • Visa cost: not clear yet
  • Tax treatment: if you stay in Indonesia more than 183 days you will become a tax resident in Indonesia
  • Average internet speed: 24 Mbps


  • Income requirement: JPY 10 million (~€59.000) per year
  • Duration: six months
  • Renewable: no
  • Visa cost: $211
  • Tax treatment: because your stay is limited to six months you will not become liable to taxes in Japan
  • Average internet speed: 196 Mbps

If you want to know more about the digital nomad visa Japan you can have a look at this article with more details.


  • Income requirement: $24.000 per year
  • Duration: up to twelve months
  • Renewable: yes, up to 24 months in total
  • Visa cost: €200
  • Tax treatment: the tax consequences depend on how long you stay and whether you are an employee or business owner. I recommend to check this more in detail before applying.
  • Average internet speed: 114 Mbps

You can find more information on the official website on the digital nomad visa Malaysia, also called DE Rantau.

Sri Lanka

The digital nomad visa for Sri Lanka was already announced in 2023. However, we are still awaiting the final details and implementation.

  • Income requirement: not clear at the moment
  • Duration: up to one year
  • Renewable: not clear yet
  • Visa cost: not clear yet
  • Tax treatment: if you spend more than 183 days in Sri Lanka you will generally become liable to tax there
  • Average internet speed: 20 Mbps

South Korea

  • Income requirement: $65.000 per year
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes, for one more year
  • Visa cost: $45
  • Tax treatment: as it stands, no taxes would be due in South Korea if you keep paying taxes in your home country
  • Average internet speed: 160 Mbps


  • Income requirement: no income requirement but you need to show you have a bank balance of at least 500.000 Thai Baht (~€12.500)
  • Duration: 5 years during which you can spend 180 days per year in the country
  • Renewable: yes
  • Visa cost: 10.000 Thai Baht (~€250)
  • Tax treatment: if you stay longer than 180 days in the country you’ll become a tax resident of Thailand
  • Average internet speed: 231 Mbps

If you want to learn more about the digital nomad visa Thailand or other visa options for Thailand I would want to refer you to the elaborate article I wrote about it.


  • Income requirement: $3.000 per month
  • Duration: expected to be one year but still unclear
  • Renewable: unclear
  • Visa cost: unclear
  • Tax treatment: you become a Turkish taxpayer if you spend more than six months in Turkey. However, in practice Turkey doesn’t seem to care if you only receive foreign income.
  • Average internet speed: 43 Mbps

You can check my article on the Turkish digital nomad visa to learn more.

United Arab Emirates

  • Income requirement: $5.000 per month
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: it’s not possible to apply for a renewal but you can file a new application
  • Visa cost: $611
  • Tax treatment: the UAE doesn’t charge any personal income taxes.
  • Average internet speed: 179 Mbps

The government of Dubai put a website together for people are interested in working remotely from Dubai.

Countries Offering Digital Nomad Visas in Europe

digital nomad visas europe


  • Income requirement: there is no official minimum income threshold. However, you should make sufficient to sustain yourself. A good benchmark is probably around €1.000 per month.
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes
  • Visa cost: 
  • Tax treatment: Albania promised tax exemptions for nomads. However, eventually these’s were never transposed in the tax code. Hence, the normal tax rules apply and you become a tax resident if you spend at least 183 days in the country or if you have your centre of vital interests in Albania.
  • Average internet speed: 61 Mbps

In another article I go more into detail into the digital nomad visa Albania

You can also check out the website of the Albanian government and launch your application there.


  • Income requirement: you need to make two-and-half times the average net salary in Croatia which equals €2.600 per month. However, they also accept you provide proof of having the necessary amount as a bank balance.
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: You cannot renew the digital nomad visa. However, you can file a new application six months after the expiry of your previous visa.
  • Visa cost: the price depends on where you apply from but ranges between €90-€190
  • Tax treatment: tax free if you remain a taxpayer in your home country
  • Average internet speed: 77 Mbps

The government of Croatia has a specific page with more information on the Croatian digital nomad visa.


  • Income requirement: €3.500 per month
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: you can renew for two more years
  • Visa cost: €70
  • Tax treatment: tax free if you remain a tax resident in your home country
  • Average internet speed: 65 Mbps

You can the details for the application for the Cypriotic remote work visa online.

Czech Republic

The Czech Republic doesn’t necessarily offer a digital nomad visa as such. However, it does offer a long-term residence permit by obtaining a trade license which is often used by nomads in order to stay in the country for a longer period.

  • Income requirement: there is no minimum income requirement. However, you need to prove you have at least CZK 124.500 (~€5.000) in your bank account in order to sustain yourself.
  • Duration: from six months to one year depending on the trade license you apply for
  • Renewable: yes
  • Visa cost: 
  • Tax treatment: as you’ll apply for a trade license, you’ll have to pay taxes on the income registered under this business registration. Furthermore, if you spend a decent amount of time in the Czech Republic you’ll become a resident taxpayer.
  • Average internet speed: 69 Mbps

If you want to know more about the application process, you can have a look at the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.


  • Income requirement: €3.500 during the last six months before applying
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: no, but you can extent for six more months
  • Visa cost: €60
  • Tax treatment: you will have to pay taxes in Estonia if you have your permanent residence there or if you spend more than 183 days during twelve months in the country
  • Average internet speed: 85 Mbps


  • Income requirement: €1.220 per month
  • Duration: six months to two years
  • Renewable: yes
  • Visa cost: €400
  • Tax treatment: you will be liable to taxes in Finland if you have your habitual abode there or when you spend more than six months in the country.
  • Average internet speed: 117 Mbps

The Finnish digital nomad visa is only open to entrepreneurs. You can read more details on the website of the Finnish government.


France doesn’t offer a specific digital nomad visa. However, they have the French long-term stay visa on which we’ll focus here.

  • Income requirement: depends on the capacity you apply in
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: no
  • Visa cost: €300
  • Tax treatment: if you remain tax resident in your home country, you can avoid taxes in France
  • Average internet speed: 242 Mbps


Georgia used to have a digital nomad visa during Covid. However, it isn’t available anymore. Yet, we included Georgia in the list as many people can get a one year visa upon arrival in Georgia.

  • Income requirement: no income requirement
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes
  • Visa cost: free
  • Tax treatment: Georgia applies a territorial tax regime. Under certain conditions you won’t have to pay income taxes on foreign income. Furthermore, Georgia offers some attractive tax incentives to entrepreneurs.
  • Average internet speed: 216 Mbps

You can learn on Georgian visas on the website of the State Commission on Migration Issues


The German digital nomad visa is rather a freelance visa.

  • Income requirement: €9.000 per year
  • Duration: up to three years
  • Renewable: yes
  • Visa cost: depends on which procedure applies to your situation
  • Tax treatment: if you establish your home in Germany or spend more than 183 days there, you will be subject to income taxes. In any case, you will pay taxes on the income you run through your German freelance business.
  • Average internet speed: 92 Mbps

You can find more information on the conditions and the application process of the German freelance visa on the government website.


  • Income requirement: €3.500 per month
  • Duration: two years
  • Renewable: you can renew for another two years
  • Visa cost: €75
  • Tax treatment: Greece does offer some tax breaks to digital nomads.
  • Average internet speed: 50 Mbps

If you think about working remotely from Greece you can check out the official government website.


The Hungarian digital nomad visa is also called the Hungarian White Card.

  • Income requirement: €3.000 per month for the six months before your application
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes, for one more year
  • Visa cost: around €220
  • Tax treatment: if you spend more than six months in Hungary you will become a tax resident and have to pay Hungarian taxes
  • Average internet speed: 178 Mbps


  • Income requirement: €6.700 per month
  • Duration: six months
  • Renewable: no
  • Visa cost: €80
  • Tax treatment: given that you can only spend six months at most in Iceland, you won’t become liable to taxes there
  • Average internet speed: 242 Mbps

You can check this website about working remotely from Iceland for more information.


  • Income requirement: €28.000 per year
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes
  • Visa cost: €116
  • Tax treatment: the normal Italian tax rules apply. Hence, if you become an Italian tax resident you will have to pay income taxes.
  • Average internet speed: 51 Mbps


  • Income requirement: two-and-a-half times the average income in Latvia for the previous year; currently around €3.900 per month
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes, for one more year
  • Visa cost: €60
  • Tax treatment: you can become liable to taxes in Latvia if you stay longer than 183 days
  • Average internet speed: 92 Mbps

You can find more information on the digital nomad visa Latvia on the official website from the Latvian authorities.


  • Income requirement: €42.000 per year
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: you can renew to stay up to four years in total
  • Visa cost: €327,50
  • Tax treatment: tax free in certain cases. You read more about the recent changes in tax rules for digital nomads in Malta here.
  • Average internet speed: 116 Mbps

Because Malta is a popular destination for nomads I wrote a more detailed article on the nomad residence permit in Malta.


  • Income requirement: €1.350 per month
  • Duration: up to two years
  • Renewable: yes, for two more years up to a total of four years
  • Visa cost: €70
  • Tax treatment: if you stay more than 183 days in Montenegro you will possibly become a tax resident there
  • Average internet speed: 23 Mbps

The government of Montenegro also launched a website regarding the digital nomad visa Montenegro and more information about the country.


The Netherlands don’t offer a digital nomad visa as such. However, they do offer a long-stay visa for independent workers.

  • Income requirement: depends on your situation
  • Duration: depends on which capacity you apply
  • Renewable: depends on the visa
  • Visa cost: depends on the visa
  • Tax treatment: if you register as a freelancer in the Netherlands you will become a taxpayer
  • Average internet speed: 190 Mbps


  • Income requirement: €2.000 per month
  • Duration: up to two years
  • Renewable: yes
  • Visa cost: €600
  • Tax treatment: you will become liable to taxes in Norway
  • Average internet speed: 132 Mbps

You can start your application for the Norwegian digital nomad visa online.


  • Income requirement: four times the minimum wage in Portugal or around €3.000
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes
  • Visa cost: €180
  • Tax treatment: you are subject to the normal tax rules in Portugal. Accordingly, you can become a tax resident in Portugal.
  • Average internet speed: 173 Mbps


  • Income requirement: three times the average gross salary in Romania which equals €3.800 per month
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: you can renew for one more year, for a total of two years
  • Visa cost: unknown
  • Tax treatment: tax free if you keep paying taxes in your home country
  • Average internet speed: 212 Mbps

You can apply for Romanian digital nomad visa online.


  • Income requirement: you need to make twice the minimum wage in Spain or about €2.300 per month
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: you can renew and extent your stay to five years
  • Visa cost: around €90
  • Tax treatment: you will be subject to the normal tax rules in Spain and might be liable to taxes. However, you could mitigate the consequences by applying for the Beckham Law
  • Average internet speed: 220 Mbps

For more details you can check the website of the Spanish Consulate.

Countries Offering Digital Nomad Visas in North-America

Digital Nomad Visas North America


  • Income requirement: there is no official minimum income requirement. Yet, if you want to make sure your application is accepted you should probably have an income of at least $55.000 per year
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: no, but you can make a new application
  • Visa cost: $2.000
  • Tax treatment: tax free
  • Average internet speed: 30 Mbps

If you are interested in visiting Anguilla you can check out their tourist information website.

Antigua & Barbuda

  • Income requirement: $50.000 per year
  • Duration: two year
  • Renewable: no
  • Visa cost: $1.500
  • Tax treatment: tax free
  • Average internet speed: 34 Mbps

Antigua and Barbuda have an official website with all the details of their Nomad Residence Programme.


The Bahamas aim to attract remote workers with the Bahamas Extended Access Travel Stay (BEATS).

  • Income requirement: no minimum income requirement
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes, up to a maximum of three years in total
  • Visa cost: $1.025
  • Tax treatment: tax free
  • Average internet speed: 56 Mbps


  • Income requirement: $50.000 per year
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: you can’t renew your visa but you can just put in a new application
  • Visa cost: $2.000
  • Tax treatment: tax free
  • Average internet speed: 90 Mbps

Barbados launched a website dedicated to working remotely from Barbados.


  • Income requirement: $75.000 per year
  • Duration: six months
  • Renewable: no
  • Visa cost: $500
  • Tax treatment: as your stay is limited to six months you won’t become a tax resident of Belize
  • Average internet speed: 44 Mbps

If you want to know more about the digital nomad visa Belize you can visit the website of the Work Where You Vacation program.


  • Income requirement: no minimum income requirement
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes
  • Visa cost: $275
  • Tax treatment: tax free
  • Average internet speed: 100 Mbps

If you are interested in working from Bermuda you can check out the official government website.


Canada wants to welcome digital nomads. Therefore, they welcome nomads to come over without the need to actually apply for a visa. You can just get a visitors visa. Check online whether or not you qualify for visa free entry in Canada.

  • Income requirement: not applicable
  • Duration: six months
  • Renewable: you can apply to extent your visitors visa
  • Visa cost: not applicable
  • Tax treatment: you shouldn’t become a tax resident of Canada if you only spend six months in the country
  • Average internet speed: 198 Mbps

Costa Rica

  • Income requirement: $3.000 per month
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: you can extend for one more year which brings the total at two years
  • Visa cost: $100
  • Tax treatment: tax free
  • Average internet speed: 92 Mbps

If you want more information, you can check out the website of the Tourism Board of Costa Rica.


  • Income requirement: no minimum income requirement
  • Duration: six months
  • Renewable: you can renew for six more months and stay one year in total
  • Visa cost: $294
  • Tax treatment: tax free
  • Average internet speed: 23 Mbps

The government of Curaçao also tries to provide more information about its digital nomad visa on its website.


  • Income requirement: $50.000 per year
  • Duration: 18 months
  • Renewable: no
  • Visa cost: $800
  • Tax treatment: tax free
  • Average internet speed: 87 Mbps

You can find more information on the Work in Nature Dominica Program on the official website.

El Salvador

  • Income requirement: $1.500 per month
  • Duration: two years
  • Renewable: yes, for two more years
  • Visa cost: $2.825
  • Tax treatment: you become a tax resident of El Salvador if you spend more than 200 consecutive days there during a calendar year. However, in any case, as a territorial tax country they only levy tax on local source income.
  • Average internet speed: 28 Mbps


  • Income requirement: $37.000 per year
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: you renew for one more year bringing the total at two years
  • Visa cost: $1.500
  • Tax treatment: tax free
  • Average internet speed: 75 Mbps


The Mexican digital nomad visa is actually a temporary residence permit.

However, it’s interesting to know that many people can stay in Mexico for up to six months without the need to apply for a visa.

  • Income requirement: €4.150 per month for the previous six months or an average bank balance of €70.000 for the last year
  • Duration: up to four years
  • Renewable: yes
  • Visa cost: $271
  • Tax treatment: if you are deemed to have your permanent home in Mexico, you can become liable to taxes
  • Average internet speed: 77 Mbps

You can find more information on the Mexican digital nomad permit on this website.


  • Income requirement: $70.000
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: the visa is not renewable but there is no restriction that prohibits you from applying again
  • Visa cost: $500
  • Tax treatment: tax free
  • Average internet speed: 20 Mbps

If you are interesting in working remotely from Montserrat you can check the official website for the Montserrat Remote Worker Stamp.


  • Income requirement: €34.000
  • Duration: nine months
  • Renewable: you can extent for nine more months for 18 months in total
  • Visa cost: $300
  • Tax treatment: Panama applies a territorial tax regime. With the right setup, foreign source income is not taxable.
  • Average internet speed: 150 Mbps

Saint Lucia

  • Income requirement: no income requirement
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: no, but you can make a new application
  • Visa cost: $70
  • Tax treatment: tax free
  • Average internet speed: 91 Mbps

You can read more about the digital nomad or non-immigrant visa here.

Countries Offering Digital Nomad Visas in South-America

digital nomad visas south america


  • Income requirement: there is no official income requirement but when applying you might get asked to show sufficient proof of income
  • Duration: six months
  • Renewable: yes, for six more months
  • Visa cost: $200
  • Tax treatment: as you can’t stay longer than one year in total in Argentina you should not become a taxpayer in Argentina according to the local legislation
  • Average internet speed: 80 Mbps

you can start the application for the digital nomad visa Argentina on the website of the Argentinian government.


Aruba has a remote working program. However, you can only apply if you have a US passport.

  • Income requirement: no minimum income requirement
  • Duration: three months
  • Renewable: no
  • Visa cost: free
  • Tax treatment: tax free
  • Average internet speed: 104 Mbps


  • Income requirement: $1.500 per month or a bank balance of at least $18.000
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes, for one more year
  • Visa cost: $120
  • Tax treatment: if you spend more than 183 days in Brazil you can become liable to income taxes
  • Average internet speed: 158 Mbps

This website gives a good overview of the process and requirements for the digital nomad visa Brazil.


  • Income requirement: around €940 per month
  • Duration: up to two years
  • Renewable: no
  • Visa cost: $230
  • Tax treatment: if you spend more than 183 days in Colombia, you can become liable to taxes
  • Average internet speed: 135 Mbps

You can also check the official website on the digital nomad visa Colombia for more information. The digital nomad visa is also known as Cédula de Extranjeria.


  • Income requirement: there is no minimum income requirement
  • Duration: six months
  • Renewable: yes, renewable for another six months up to a total stay of one year
  • Visa cost: $294
  • Tax treatment: tax free
  • Average internet speed: 23 Mbps

You can have a look at the website of the government of Curaçao to find more information about the digital nomad visa.


  • Income requirement: $1.350 per month
  • Duration: two year
  • Renewable: renewable for two more years
  • Visa cost: around $450 but depending where you apply from
  • Tax treatment: Ecuador applies a territorial tax system and doesn’t tax foreign income. However, it’s unclear how this is applied if you consistently perform your activities from within the country.
  • Average internet speed: 76 Mbps

Take a look at the website of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Tourism if you want to visit Ecuador.


Peru implemented some laws regarding the new digital nomad visa. However, at the moment of writing we are still awaiting the actual implementation.

  • Income requirement: not yet clear
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes
  • Visa cost: not yet clear
  • Tax treatment: as we are waiting the implementation this isn’t fully clear yet but normally it should offer you a tax free stay in Peru
  • Average internet speed: 109 Mbps


  • Income requirement: not applicable
  • Duration: six months
  • Renewable: yes, extendable for another six months to one year in total
  • Visa cost: $15; however, the fee can’t be paid with a foreign card (for now). Hence, it’s recommended to only start the application once you are in the country and get help to get the payment sorted.
  • Tax treatment: tax free
  • Average internet speed: 170 Mbps

You can start your application for the Provisional Identity Card (Hojas de Identidad Provisoria) online.

Do You Want to Save on Taxes?

If you are planning to apply for a digital nomad visa, it’s important to understand the tax consequences.

Moreover, as a digital nomad you need to assess your tax setup as you have an international lifestyle. This comes with tax risks but also offers opportunities.

As a tax advisor for digital nomads, I can help you navigate the landscape of international taxation.

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