Digital Nomad Tax

23 Tax Free Digital Nomad Visa: Where to Go in 2025

Searching for a tax free digital nomad visa? Look no further! In this article we’ll have a look at some interesting tax free digital nomad visas and some other interesting digital nomad visas.

It’s always nice to visit new places. Maybe you even like a place so much, you want to stay there for a long stint.

In that case, a tourist visa might not cut it. Therefore, you could apply for a digital nomad visa.

However, you always need to be aware of any tax consequences. For that reason, we’ll focus on some countries where you can live tax free when staying there on a digital nomad visa.

If you want , I can create a custom digital nomad tax strategy for you. I’ve assisted more than 100 nomads with lowering their taxes!

Breakdown of the Countries Offering Tax Free Digital Nomad Visa

In our list you can find countries which offer you a tax free stay as a digital nomad or remote worker. However, you should note that for some countries a requirement is that you keep paying taxes to your home country.

Hereby, the list of countries that will not hold you liable for income taxes while spending time there on a digital nomad visa:

  • Anguilla
  • Antigua & Barbuda
  • Aruba
  • Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Bermuda
  • Cabo Verde
  • Costa Rica
  • Croatia
  • Curaçao
  • Cyprus
  • Dominica
  • Ecuador
  • Grenada
  • Malta
  • Montserrat
  • Panama
  • Philippines
  • Romania
  • Saint Lucia
  • Seychelles
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Uruguay

As you notice, there are many Caribbean countries with a tax free digital nomad visa. However, also in other parts of the world you can find something for your liking.

23 Digital Nomad Visas with No Tax

For the countries offering digital nomad visas with no tax we will have a look different elements:

  • Income requirement: should you have a certain minimum income level to apply for the digital nomad visa
  • Duration: for how long is the visa valid
  • Renewable: can you renew the visa once it runs out or can you apply again
  • Visa cost: what are the fees to apply for the digital nomad visa
  • Average internet speed: what average internet speed can you expect while working in the country. This is an average and will highly depend from which location you will exactly be working

1. Anguilla


We start of the list with one of the many Caribbean islands offering a tax free digital nomad visa.

  • Income requirement: there is no official minimum income requirement but in order to ensure approval it’s recommended to have an income of at least $55.000 per year
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: no, but you can put in a new application
  • Visa cost: $2.000
  • Average internet speed: 30 Mbps

If you want to learn more about visiting Anguilla you can have a look at the tourist information website.

2. Antigua & Barbuda

Antigua & Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda is another country in the Caribbean offering you a tax free digital nomad visa.

  • Income requirement: $50.000 per year
  • Duration: two year
  • Renewable: no
  • Visa cost: $1.500
  • Average internet speed: 34 Mbps

Antigua and Barbuda launched a website specifically for its Nomad Residence Programme.

3. Aruba

tax free digital nomad visa Aruba

Also Aruba offers a remote working program. However, this program is only open to people with a US passport.

  • Income requirement: there is no minimum income requirement
  • Duration: three months
  • Renewable: no
  • Visa cost: free
  • Average internet speed: 104 Mbps

4. Bahamas

You’ve probably seen the pictures of people feeding pigs on the beach or even swimming with them. Want to experience the same? Then, the Bahamas are the place to go.

Of course, there is much more to see on these Caribbean islands. It’s the ideal place to enjoy the exotic island life while still benefiting from Western amenities.

In order to attract remote workers, the country launched the Bahamas Extended Access Travel Stay (BEATS). The Bahamas don’t levy any income tax at all so nothing to worry about in that respect as a digital nomad.

  • Income requirement: there is no minimum income requirement
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes, up to a maximum stay of three years
  • Visa cost: $1.025
  • Average internet speed: 56 Mbps

5. Barbados


We stay in the Caribbean for now with the next country on the list: Barbados. Yet another island with great beaches and laidback vibes.

  • Income requirement: $50.000
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: there is no specific renewal procedure but you can apply for the visa multiple times
  • Visa cost: $2.000
  • Average internet speed: 90 Mbps

If you want to learn more about working remotely from Barbados you can have a look at the official government website.

6. Bermuda


Bermuda offers you a digital nomad visa called Work From Bermuda Certificate.

  • Income requirement: there is no minimum income requirement
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes
  • Visa cost: $275
  • Average internet speed: 100 Mbps

If you want to know how your stay in Bermuda could look like you can have a look at website dedicated to working from Bermuda.

7. Cabo Verde

Sao Vicente Cabo Verde

Cabo Verde was the first place I visited as a digital nomad. Therefore, it will always remain special to me.

Yet, also for you it could be a nice destination if you want to experience a place that is still a bit off the beaten path. The country is situated in the Atlantic Ocean of the coast of Africa. Therefore, it’s ideal for people working European hours.

In order to boost its economy, Cabo Verde wants to attract digital nomads by offering a tax free digital nomad visa.

  • Income requirement: there is no income requirement as such but you need to proof an average bank balance of at least €1.500 for the past six months
  • Duration: six months
  • Renewable: yes, renewable for another six months bringing your total stay up to one year
  • Visa cost: the actual visa fee is €20 but also an airport fee of €34 applies
  • Average internet speed: 24 Mbps; however, connectivity does really depend on the actual place you are staying but you can always fall back on mobile data

You can also find more information on the official government website.

8. Costa Rica

Costa Rica Ocean

The nature and wildlife of Costa Rica attracts many people. Although it’s a rather small country, it contains almost 6% of the world’s biodiversity. You better start packing your bags!

And, don’t forget: as a digital nomad you get an exemption from income taxes as this is a tax free digital nomad visa!

  • Income requirement: $3.000 per month
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: you can renew your visa for one more year to stay a total of two years
  • Visa cost: $100
  • Average internet speed: 22 Mbps

You can have a look at the website of the Tourism Board of Costa Rica to plan your journey.

9. Croatia

Dubrovnik Croatia

Croatia offers you a tax free stay in the country if you remain a tax resident in your home country.

  • Income requirement: two-and-half times the average net salary in Croatia or about €2.600 per month. However, you can also just show you have a sufficient bank balance for the same amount
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: the digital nomad visa can’t be renewed. You can apply for a new visa once your previous visa expired at least six months ago.
  • Visa cost: the price depends on the fact if you apply from within Croatia or from abroad but ranges from about €90 to €190
  • Average internet speed: 77 Mbps

You can find more details about the Croatian digital nomad visa on the official government website.

10. Curaçao

Willemstad Curacao

Curaçao is another place that offers a great climate and Caribbean island vibes. They also jumped on the band wagon of attracting digital nomads and offers a tax free digital nomad visa. So, no risk of any tax liability!

  • Income requirement: there is no minimum income requirement
  • Duration: six months
  • Renewable: yes, renewable for another six months up to a total stay of one year
  • Visa cost: $294
  • Average internet speed: 23 Mbps

You can have a look at the website of the government of Curaçao to find more information about the digital nomad visa.

11. Cyprus

Cyprus Mediterranean Sea

Cyprus is becoming a popular hotspot for digital nomads and remote workers. Due to its location in the Mediterreanean Sea it offers a mild climate. Furthermore, you can access it easily from Europe.

From a tax perspective, you don’t need to pay income taxes in Cyprus if you remain a tax resident in your home country. Yet, it might be interesting to actually get tax residency in Cyprus for digital nomads.

  • Income requirement: €3.500 per month
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: can be renewed for two more years
  • Visa cost: €70
  • Average internet speed: 65 Mbps

You can find the application documents for the Cypriotic remote work visa online.

12. Dominica

Waterfall Dominica

Back to the Caribbean for a bit when we have a look at Dominica with the Work in Nature Dominica Program. Please note that you only get a waiver from paying taxes in Dominica if you remain liable to taxes in your home country.

  • Income requirement: $50.000 per year
  • Duration: 18 months
  • Renewable: no
  • Visa cost: $800
  • Average internet speed: 87 Mbps

13. Ecuador

Vilcabamba Ecuador

The Visa de Residencia Temporal Rentista para Trabajo Remoto offers you a long term residency in Ecuador. This can be of interest if you want to stay longer than the 90 days you get on a tourist visa.

Please note that Ecuador doesn’t tax foreign source income. However, for now, it remains unclear that if you perform your activities consistently from within Ecuador for a longer period of time as a remote worker if this still applies.

  • Income requirement: $1.350 per month
  • Duration: two year
  • Renewable: yes, you can renew for another two year
  • Visa cost: approximately $450 but depends where you apply from
  • Average internet speed: 76 Mbps

You can also have a look at the website of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Tourism.

14. Grenada


You should not confuse the Caribbean island of Grenada with the Spanish city Granada. Here, we are talking about the country Grenada. If you are more interested in Spain, you can find more information further down the list.

  • Income requirement: $37.000 per year
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes, for one more year
  • Visa cost: $1.500
  • Average internet speed: 75 Mbps

15. Malta

Valetta Malta

We already discussed Cyprus before as an upcoming island in the Mediterranean Sea for digital nomads.

Yet, our list wouldn’t be complete without also adding Malta to it. There was some uncertainty regarding the tax liabilities of digital nomads in Malta. However, Malta recently clarified that digital nomads can get an exemption of taxes for up to twelve months.

  • Income requirement: €42.000 per year
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes, up to three times for a total stay of four years
  • Visa cost: €327,50
  • Average internet speed: 116 Mbps

If you want to know more, you can have a look at my dedicated article on the nomad residence permit in Malta.

16. Montserrat


Montserrat is another Caribbean island that offers a tax free digital nomad visa.

  • Income requirement: $70.000
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: no, but you can put in a new application
  • Visa cost: $500
  • Average internet speed: 20 Mbps

If this triggered your interest, you can always have a look at the official website for the Montserrat Remote Worker Stamp.

17. Panama


Panama launched a digital nomad visa which allows you to stay in the country for a total stay up to 18 months. Because Panama only levies taxes on local source income you won’t have to pay taxes on the income you get from abroad.

  • Income requirement: €34.000
  • Duration: nine months
  • Renewable: yes, the visa can be renewed for 9 more months
  • Visa cost: $300
  • Average internet speed: 150 Mbps

18. Philippines

The Philippines announced a digital nomad visa whereby the law introducing the visa explicitly excludes digital nomads on the DNV from becoming a tax resident in the Philippines. However, at the time of writing the visa isn’t live yet.

  • Income requirement: the Digital Nomad Act solely mentions you need to have sufficient income without setting an actual threshold.
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes, the visa can be renewed for one more year
  • Visa cost: to be determined
  • Average internet speed: 94 Mbps

19. Romania

Deva Romania

Although seen by many as a country in development, many remote workers that Romania has one the best internet infrastructures out there. Add a low cost of living and thriving nomad community to it and you have everything for a digital nomad hotspot.

And, as long as you keep paying taxes in your home country, Romania won’t hold you liable to any income taxes. Nevertheless, paying taxes in Romania as a digital nomad could be advantageous.

  • Income requirement: three times the average Romanian gross salary or around €3.800 per month
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: you can renew for one more year, bringing your total stay to two years
  • Visa cost: unknown
  • Average internet speed: 212 Mbps

You can start your application for the Romanian digital nomad visa online.

20. Saint Lucia

Back to the Caribbean islands with Saint Lucia as this lovely place also offers a digital nomad or non-immigrant visa.

  • Income requirement: there is no specific income requirement
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: the visa as such is not renewable but you can always make a new application
  • Visa cost: $70
  • Average internet speed: 91 Mbps

21. Seychelles


We have all seen the pictures of the nice beaches of the Seychelles. Maybe now it’s time for you to go and take an actual look. The Seychelles offer a tax free digital nomad visa under the program called Seychelles Workation Retreat Program

  • Income requirement: there is no specific income requirement but you should prove you have a regular income from a remote job or business
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: the visa as such is not renewable but you can always make a new application
  • Visa cost: €45
  • Average internet speed: 26 Mbps

22. United Arab Emirates

Burj Khalifa Dubai

Dubai is probably the most well-known emirate of the United Arab Emirates. However, the whole of the UAE doesn’t levy personal income taxes. Therefore, becoming a tax resident of the UAE can work like magic for your tax liability. With all the attractions around the country, you won’t be bored.

  • Income requirement: $5.000 / month
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: it’s not possible to apply for a renewal but it is allowed to just put in a new application
  • Visa cost: $611
  • Average internet speed: 179 Mbps

The emirate of Dubai put some information together for people who are interested in working remotely from Dubai.

23. Uruguay

Ciudad del Este Uruguay

Uruguay isn’t a big name like some of its neighbors like Brazil and Argentina. Yet, it’s probably one of the safest countries in Latin America and definitely worth a visit.

And, it offers a tax free digital nomad visa! In any case, it can be a good choice to setup tax residency in Uruguay.

  • Income requirement: not applicable
  • Duration: six months
  • Renewable: yes, extendable for another six months to one year in total
  • Visa cost: $15; however, the fee can’t be paid with a foreign card (for now). Hence, it’s recommended to only start the application once you are in the country and get help to get the payment sorted.
  • Average internet speed: 170 Mbps

If you are already sold, you can start your application for the Provisional Identity Card (Hojas de Identidad Provisoria).

Other Interesting Digital Nomad Visas

Apart from those tax free digital nomad visas, there also other interesting options out there.

The reason is that some offer specific tax benefits to digital nomads or people moving to the country. Or, just because they offer a very attractive lifestyle at decent tax rates.


Greek Islands

Many nomads feel attracted by Greece. And from a lifestyle perspective, it’s definitely a great place to spend some time. For that reason, many people looking into the digital nomad visa for Greece.

Unfortunately, it isn’t a great place if we solely focus on taxes. However, Greece offers some tax breaks to digital nomads. Nevertheless, you will still end up paying a decent amount in taxes after all.

  • Income requirement: €3.500 per month
  • Duration: two years
  • Renewable: yes, renewable for periods of two years again
  • Visa cost: €75
  • Average internet speed: 50 Mbps

You can have a look at the Greek government website if you want to find out more about working remotely from Greece.


Peru announced that as from 2024 they will also offer a digital nomad visa. The laws were published (2). However, we are still waiting for the actual implementation. Furthermore, the visa should allow you to stay tax free in the country but this still needs to be confirmed.

  • Income requirement: not yet clear
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes
  • Visa cost: not yet clear
  • Average internet speed: 109 Mbps


Alicante Spain

Just like Greece, Spain is also a country that is high on the list for many digital nomads for its attractive lifestyle.

Unfortunately, Spain isn’t the most attractive place from a tax point of view. Yet, by applying for the Beckham law you could still lower your tax burden.

  • Income requirement: two times the Spanish minimum wage or around €2.300 per month
  • Duration: one year
  • Renewable: yes, for up to a total of five years
  • Visa cost: depends on where you apply but around €90
  • Average internet speed: 220 Mbps

You can find the detailed application process and requirements on the website of the Spanish Consulate.

What Else to Know about Visas for Digital Nomads

So, the choice is up to you: which place do you prefer? Of course, there are also other things to take into consideration than just the strength of the WiFi.

The first thing is cost of living. Some places, for example the UAE, might not charge you any income tax. Yet, the cost of living in this country is rather high.

Furthermore, many will look for a proper nomad or expat community to get that connection with fellow humans. This might be easier in some places and harder in others.

In any case, hopping from one tax free digital nomad visa to another can also be exhausting. Therefore, contact me if you want to figure out a long term solution for your tax strategy.

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